a2+b2+c2 = my motto explained?

A2+b2=c2 is my motto I guess. A2=meaning past, b2=meaning present, c2=meaning future. Together in a full equation the Pythagorean theorem is the answer to complete living. The present being the most exciting time we have before us, wedges us directly between to definites, meaning a2=represents our birth and b2=represents our death. So essentially what lies inbeteeen is waiting to happen, could have possibly already happened, so we have no worries, for our time is now. This theme runs within all of my work. The edges aren't very sharp in my explination but it more or less is an ideal of a beginning, middle, and end to everything. The idea just illuminated the middle for it's overall connectivity to it's start and finish. In my paintings certain areas may represent each singular part of the eqaution. I may place a2 at the very top of a piece and c2 low to the bottom because it's my goal to subconciously get the viewer to move their eyes in a wave from the upper to the lower portion of a piece.

My birth name initials = A.C.B / Anthony Christopher Brown - a2= Anthony b2= Becomes c2= Concep? a2=Anthony + b2=Brown =equals c2=Concep a2+b2=c2 past + present = future


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