OIL MEN+Painted Live "Artbattles" Brooklyn Museum 1st saturdays' event+Challenged...

 Everybody might not like what you do
or even agree with it. Everybody is not going to purchase your work
or pat you on the back. Some people will say "your work sucks and you
do too" it just means (you) must continue. This is why they call this
(life), this is why we work harder than anybody else to get to the place
we now we can someday reach. Stay inspired, stay starting shit, stay


Anonymous said…
This is so very true Concep. Keep your head up and keep that artistic flow flowing!
(m)2 said…
your me HERO ..... Skittles !
JulianneD said…
Thanks for your story Concep. I'm a young artist that always felt the need to hide my work and just keep it in my room because of the fear in the back of my mind wonders the displeased faces and the cruel criticism once they've seen my work. However, you made realize that I must stay true to myself and my work...Thanks
Anonymous said…
wooow, i get the moral of the story and perhaps one day age will mellow me out some, but I'm extremely sensitive to criticism dealing with the things I create and after he patted me on the chest I would've patted my fist right up in his eye......

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